Tuesday, August 16

River of Cats

I really don't know what to say...

These are the "extra" cats I'm caring for so that each can be spayed and neutered.  This will prevent an additional 40 cats next season. They've been living in the garden since April. I have to start trapping them tomorrow. Please send your good intentions to help me with this task!


romance-of-roses said...

Margaret, I know exactly what you mean. My son and I have done the same thing. We had to put a stop to this, every spring their were kittens here from the ferals, so we bought a trap and one by one we trapped them. Now they are healthy and strong, we feed them daily. I have three of my own and my son has five that he raised since they were two days old. He could not part with them. Plus we feed several others. You know feral cats usually only live a couple to three years, but here they will live much longer they have all the comforts of home but they live outside. I am in love with babalu. What a sweetie.

T said...

You are a good soul! GOOD LUCK! They do look like a river! a black river,babies!

Jaap said...

The only right thing to do I think.
Good luck, for the cats too. They look like a lazy bunch. The most warm time of the day?

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh...I didn't realize you do all this. And if anyone knows...this is a huge task. Also, I send along thanks from my heart that your heart is a good as gold helping these animals like this!!!

Have a great weekend.
My day's entry for Saturday is: HOME SWEET HOME And thanks for visiting with me and your comments, always sweet, are always appreciated.

Trijnie said...
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Trijnie said...

an difficult Task Suzanne, wish I was able to help you.
It is an amazing picture.
Keep me informed please.
x T

Al said...

That's a great photo, a true cat river! Good luck.

Suzanne McDermott said...

Wow! Look at all these comments. So... here's an update.

All but the mother were captured, spayed, neutered, vaccinated for rabies and FCVRP. In mother's place, I captured an old Tom by accident. He went through the same routine.

Had to let old Tom and Dad go because they're wild (but still like the food dish). 2 of the kittens were adopted almost right away -YAY! 2 are waiting for adoption (while nursing colds). Babalu is in guest room and needs a very special home.

That's how things stand at the moment. My own 3 cats have been very patient.

Say some prayers (or whatever) that new homes show up for the 3 kittens soon. Like NOW.

eileeninmd said...

Great capture!