Sunday, August 15

We almost lost her!!!

Just a few days before we moved the animals to our new home, Sadie disappeared...she was gone for 2 full days and nights...on the third day, she wandered back into the yard, a bit dazed and confused. She came in a bit dusty and dirty, ate great quantities, and slept long and hard...
Speculation has run the gamut from her being accidentally locked in a garage to our neighbor's version of her being picked up by an owl, and her being so feisty that she got dropped and it took her two days to find her way back!!!
However it happened, we're glad she made it back and in time for our move north. The very next day, she, her sister cat Cleo, and her sister dog Daisy, all were in the car for five hours with me...the kitties sang for about an hour and a half, then settled in to agitated slumber...Once here, they've really settled in...


Anzu said...

It really was a close call !
and then, What a relief.
C=(^◇^ ;
We are given to losing various things during the move.
I'm anxious to avoid the disappearance of my companions.

Suzanne McDermott said...

Close call, indeed! I'm so glad she found her way home so that she could move to her new home with all the family. Good!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

glad for you and the catty~! that she found her way back home, TIP:give her a nameplate, this way other people can see her home adress.

Jaap said...

She is glad too, hugs the bear.......

Kay Davies said...

Oh, I'm so glad she came back. If that happened to me, I wouldn't be able to make the move north until I found the cat or found out what happened to her. What a wonderful story.

TheChieftess said...

Thanks all!!! We were all lucky that she found her way you can see, she's settled in quite nicely!!!