Thursday, February 12

Morning cleaning


Havfruen said...

For noen nydelige bilder av flotte dyr du har her inne. Jeg har selv en boxer hann som heter Major. Og kan ikke leve uten å ha dyr rundt meg..
Besøk meg gjerne, jeg blogger mye om hund...og resten av livet.

zuveena said...

heheheeehe!!!! this is just sooooooo cute and adorable...hey couple hope u have the extra time to visit my blog, there are reactions from MOHAMMAD a black man he seem to be very nice but then i am not sure if what i had been saying is right/ but i just say those things coz that's what i had been seen and observed. kindly check out for me and let me know if i am wrong..have a bless day there granny...hehehe! may the GOD give a longer more years and always be happy at all times...mwah!