Saturday, October 4

Animal Day - today is the day to remember the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS

UNESCO adopted in 1978 in Paris, the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS, following the same path philosophy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted 30 years ago by ONU.


The photographer said...

interesante composicion

Trijnie said...

I think Nana had a great day, didn't you spoil her too much?

Kodak the Eskie said...

Hi, you have a great blog!! Thanks for stopping by to visit us!

Hugs, Kodak

Cláudia said...

I like your drawings very much, as well as Melly. I hope you and Nana had a great day! I had, too. And I am particularly happy because the medicine that Melly has to use arrived by mail from Netherlands. She takes Vetoryl because she suffers from Cushing Sindrome or hiperadrenocorticism. At, first I was very sad. This disfunction has no cure, but we can control it with the medicine. Now she is becoming better. The unique problem is that we don't have this medicine here in Brazil and the cost is quite expensive, but I will not give my Melly up. I hope I can afford it for a long time.

Hans said...

nice drawing constanca.

Ramosforest.Environment said...

Bom. Todos deveriam conhecê-la.
Good. People must know it.