Tuesday, August 12

French Greetings from IOS & JoAnn

WOOOF!!! Greetings from "IOS",

Hello all cats and dogs and Dear owners....
Me, or I "Ios" and my owner "JoAnn"are still in FRANCE,
IOS loves to sit on the backseat of the car ,
from there she's watching the FRENCH world ...
The French people are very sweet for dogs,
so IOS is having a great time!!!
Everywhere we go they give dogs FRESH water...
THANK YOU French people!
on our blog we show you more about our Travel-adventures in FRANCE.
Wooof Greetings,
We don't forget you all!!!


Trijnie said...

he IOS, you look happy, hope you have better weather than here in Holland

Hans said...

Hoi Iosje dat is lekker in Frankrijk je krijgt vast veel stokbroodjes van je baasje..

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Trijnie,
Yehhh IOS is more happy in France than in Holland because we are spoiling her more there than here!!! The weather in FRANCE is better than in Holland!

Hi Hans, Nee hoor we zijn streng, geen stokbroodjes, (sorry!)wel deiervoer, want anders wordt IOSje te dik, Hihi :)Da's slecht voor d'r pootjes, ze weegt nu al 32 kilo,

Knuffies voor TOMMY!