Saturday, March 15

Feeling Sick, My owner too

IOS is my FIRST dog and she's born in 1999, she is in HUMAN age almost 60 years, but for this dog THATS OLD!I I never could have thought that I could love a dog so much. IOS is sick since 2 days , she is not eating anything, IOS is my little friend , always faithfull to me. I am scared , scared of loosing my little friend. Its an animal I know that, but she's my mate for always. Please recover my little friend! supportive Reactions are welcome on JoAnn's Digital Eyes click here


Neva said...

I hope IOS feels better soon. Hope the vet has some good words for you!

Trijnie said...

He Joan, that does not sound good. Wish you and your darling good luck.
Hope she is not in pain. cross my fingers for her

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Thank you Trijnie and Neva,

Its MONDAY now and I publiced a photo on THIS and my blog to thank you for your good wsihes and to inform everyone how IOS is doing...
